Title: A Home, A City
Artist Statement
by Eric YEUNG, Chung Ho
Karina WONG, Ka Yui
The concept of the installation work is about HOME. We take this idea base on our research artist Dr. Kacey WONG. All of Kacey's works are about home. He evolute the idea of home to many interesting art works. We found that is amusing. Home can be everything. That was the concept we got from the artist, Dr. WONG.
After we got this idea of home, we evolute this by our own separately. Finally, we come up in totally different evolution. Karina think home give us a very free feeling. That means she think home is a place with freedom, happy and kindness. However, me, Eric thinks home have another side, a dark side.
Home gives me not just happy memory, but also unhappy things. In the past, my parents over-protected me. They gave me a lot of rule to omit. That behavior bounded me a lot. I could not do what I wanted.
So, when we discus how the mix up our idea, we got a big trouble. But we got a result finally. We all agree that everything has two sides. Home should not just full of happiness, but also some feelings of blue. That why our final outcome is a house/apartment with some holes on two sides. Each side contain some shadows representing our feeling of home.
The reason we made the audiences to look through the holes is that, home is a private place for the families. We would ever know other family's secrets, their personal things. So that behavior is good enough for us to show the concept of private.
At last, the decoration of the walls also have its meanings. The walls are decorated with shadow of city. We do that because we want to show that, the house/apartment we made is just an example in the city. Moreover, we hold the work in the air, because we want to show that, home is movable now and we can change our home. When we push the work, it will rotate and audiences will get different sides with different feeling about home. So in the real world, we could also put our effort and change our life, home, anythings that is not satisfy with you.